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Publicado por BA Group USA en abril 19, 2013
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One Tremendous Opportunity for those Savvy Investors looking for a Turn Key CASH FLOW operation. There are 21 units under 10 Folios (DUPLEX – MULTI-FAMILY LESS THAN 10 / 08) up for GRABS! All units are currently rented with deposits. We have prepared a spread sheet explaining every detail to this Acquisition.

fortMyers1If you have already subscribed as a “BUYER” on our list, you should not have any problems obtaining this information. All others must fill out our Buyer’s Form prior to receiving any details regarding this sale.

These Assets are Not Listed, Not an REO, Not a Short Sale. All 10 Folios will be delivered with FREE & CLEAR Marketable Title.

WE DO NOT OFFER FINANCING OF ANY KIND. The Sale is Not subject to Appraisal or Financing.

LOCATION: Fort Myers Florida


Purchase Price $810,000
Down Payment $809,190
Loan Term 5 Years
Interest Rate 5.00%
Principal & Interest Payment $5
Closing Costs $16,200
Gross Scheduled Income (GSI) $126,840
Vacancy Rate 7.00%
Number of Units 21
Pro-forma Income Statement & Cash Flow
Gross Scheduled Income (GSI) $126,840
Less Vacancy $8,879
Total Actual Annual Income $117,961
Other Income (Laundry, Late Fees, etc.) $0
Gross Operating Income (GOI) $117,961
Annual Opertating Expenses
Accounting $37,820
Admin/Bank Charges (Included under Accounting)
Advertising (Included under Accounting)
Electricity (Included under Accounting)
Elevator (Included under Accounting)
Gas (Included under Accounting)
Landscaping (Included under Accounting)
Legal (Included under Accounting)
Maintenance & Repair (Included under Accounting)
Payroll taxes (Included under Accounting)
Permits and licenses (Included under Accounting)
Pest control (Included under Accounting)
Property Insurance (Included under Accounting)
Property Management (Included under Accounting)
Real Estate Taxes (Included under Accounting)
Security (Included under Accounting)
Telephone (Included under Accounting)
Tenant buyout (Included under Accounting)
Trash (Included under Accounting)
Water (Included under Accounting)
Total Operating Expenses $37,820
Net Operating Income (NOI) $80,142
Annual Debt Service (mortgage payments) $60
Before Tax Cash Flows (BTCF) $80,082
Key Operating Ratios
Capitalization Rate 9.89%
Cash on Cash (COC) 9.70%
Gross Rent Mulitplier (GRM) 6.39
Net Income Mulitplier (NIM) 10.11
Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR) 1335.69
Expense Ratio (ER) Per Unit 32.06%
Price Per Unit $38,571

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